On the eve of my 7 year anniversary I am reflecting on my life in general. And damn, it is awesome!! I cannot believe it has been 7 years since I married the man of my dreams and 9 years that he has been a part of my life. I am one lucky bitch ;)
As some of you know, this is not my first marriage. I married my college sweetheart at the tender age of 21, after dating only him through all 4 years of college. We were married for 4 years. It was not what I would call a partnership; more of a dictatorship. To be fair, I entered into this knowingly, but despite my best efforts, it only got worse. It was shocking to our friends when we split because they thought we were the "perfect" couple. Oh what goes on behind closed doors... Looking back on things and comparing it to my marriage now, all I can do is shake my head. I do NOT regret that marriage; I learned so very much from it. I believe God puts us on a path for a reason, and that part of my life was vital to who I am now.
But let me say this: my marriage is a gift from God, but it is also hard work. We work HARD to take care of one another and our children. We do not sit idly by and let problems fester. We value one another, we tell each other how much we need each other, we demonstrate our love loudly. We worship together, we worship each other, we love our kids unconditionally. We make the choice EVERY FRICKIN DAY to work hard on our relationship. I have never been more secure in a relationship with someone than I am with Russell. He is amazing on every level and I make damn sure I tell him that. He treats me like a valuable prize. He treats me like the smartest woman alive. He treats me like his equal. He treats me like I am strong. He treats me like I am beautiful. He earns my respect every day. I am madly, deeply in love with him and I still get butterflies when I see him. Am I lucky? Hells yes. Do I deserve it? Hells yes.
Thank you babe, for all that you do and all that you are.
Happy anniversary.
Hells yes! Keep on keepin' on!