Monday, April 29, 2013

New chapter

My mom pointed out to me years ago that I tend to take on a lot of major changes at once. Apparently I've done that my whole life and never realized it until she told me. Boy is she right! When she gently pointed this fact out to me, I was graduating from undergrad, planning my (first) wedding, moving to a new state and starting grad school all within a 3 month period. Shew, stressful time! But I did it. Minus a few layers of skin on my legs from my nervous stress habit of scratching the heck out of them, but I did it. Since then, the pattern hasn't changed but my ability to adjust to it has :) I actually function better with a lot on my plate; otherwise I can be a real slacker :)
Our family, like so many others I know, always seems to have a lot going on. The balance of two parents who work outside the home at both a primary (appliance repair and hair stylist) and secondary (new self-owned appliance repair and doula) job, two kids about to start school, two dogs, lots of hobbies and a home we are getting ready to sell can be challenging to say the least. Yet neither my hubby or myself can turn down exciting opportunities that we get; he is now in the Presidency of the Young Men's group at our church which is a BIG responsibility and I am super proud of him.
I am really excited for this new chapter in our lives. I am about to become the mother of 2 kids in elementary school, which means changing my work schedule a bit. I am really happy but slightly apprehensive about that! We have worked hard at making our house a home and I truly love it, but we are outgrowing it and it is time to move on. Bittersweet feelings on that one. I am always looking for new ways to involve myself in the local birth community and Russell is doing a great job at starting his own independent business. Money is tight these days as we are making sacrifices to get us to the next step in our family's life, so I feel like budget issues are making me a little nuts :) We need to be able to sell our home for the right amount to pay off the current mortgage, so while I am anxious to not be in limbo, the timing has to be just right before we can list it. That stressed me out a bit at first, but after processing the info, I'm feeling really blessed that we have the option to wait until it is right.
All in all, our life is so freaking good. I have an amazing family, a strong support system of friends and loved ones and we are always being reminded of how blessed we are. We don't always know what cards we will be dealt, but I'm happy and optimistic about playing that hand :)

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