My son Roy is the sweetest little thing. He is so affectionate and loving, kind hearted and giving. He touches me constantly, just cause he likes to. He says things like "Mommy, I blew you kisses while you were at work today. Did you feel it?" Oh my goodness, he is a little snuggley bug. He wants Mommy all the time. ALL the time :) If I am sitting, he wants to be in my lap. When he gets up in the morning, without fail, he calls for me. He wants me to get his milk, help him get dressed, fix his breakfast, tie his shoes, pack his backpack. Those chubby little hands touch my cheek with soft caresses all the time; he asks if I want him to scratch my back for me. When he lays down to take a nap at the sitter he sings the "Mommy I miss you" song that he made up. On the days that we have special Mommy/Roy days, he misses Stella so much that he talks to her car seat as if she is there. He asks when we will go back and get "his Stella". He tells her she is his best friend, the best sister ever. He loves to curl up in his Daddy's lap to watch shows before bedtime. He prays for his friends if they had a bad day; in fact, if we see a stray animal we have to immediately say a prayer that they will be found. Yesterday he was terribly worried about the bird he saw who seemed to be alone. He has been this way since birth, always touchy and affectionate and quick to have his feelings hurt. He is a sensitive little man and we have to be mindful of that constantly. I love it. He makes my heart melt on a daily basis. I have frequently said that I am much more worried about the day he starts dating than when Stella does. I have no doubt that Stella will be one tough cookie, but I forsee this mama bear having a tough time when Roy gets his heart broken. I worry that he will be taken for granted because he is so giving.
And yet...
Roy is such a DUDE. Full of testosterone, smashing and hitting and knocking things down. Tearing shit up. He loves guns. I mean really loves them. I tried my hardest to keep them out of our house, but it was a losing battle, one I chose to give up. From the second he saw his older cousin playing with one, that was it. The fat lady had sung. We were at a church function when he was 2 (when there was still a ban on guns in our house) and he bit his saltine cracker into the basic shape of a gun and proceeded to shoot people. I was horrified. Everyone else thought it was hilarious :) He loves dinosaurs, cars, trucks, Transformers, Spiderman, The Hulk. He makes car noises, headbutts us, karate chops anything in his path. He is stubborn and headstrong to the point that it infuriates me. He blatantly refuses to take anything at face value. He is persistent. He has NO. FEAR. With this guy it is all or nothing, no half-stepping. I am frequently amazed by the sheer "maleness" of him!
It is the conundrum of Roy. The yin and yang of a perfectly balanced little man. I am eternally grateful for him, for the sheer unadulterated love for life this guy has. He seizes each and every moment of the day, every day. So full of love and passion!! It makes me giddy with happiness that he is my son. Ahhh, my sensitive dude :)
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